Here is how it works
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Official uses .gov

A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in 'country name here'.

Secure .gov websites use HTTPS

A lock ( ) or https:// means you're safely connected to the .gov website.

Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites.

Summary of the procedure

Institutions involved1


Ministère du Commerce, de l'Artisanat et de la Consommation Locale (x 5)

Required Documents7


Demande d'inspection
Connaissement ou BL
Agrément d'exportateur
Carte d’import-export
Facture commerciale
Certificat phytosanitaire
Formulaire renseigné du certificat d'origine Chine



Free of charge

Total Duration1 day 1/2 - 3 days 1/2


Total time (sum):1 day 1/23 days 1/2
of which:
Waiting time in queue (sum):0 mn10 mn
Attention at counter:50 mn3 h. 40 mn
Waiting time until next step (sum):8 h.24 h.
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